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Tuesday, June 9, 2020

The Calming Effect of a Front Porch

I love our front porch, it faces east and gets the morning sun, and in the afternoon it is a pleasant shady spot to sit and relax. This past Sunday morning the weather was absolutely delightful, I got around to eating breakfast around eleven in the morning and decided to eat alfresco. I headed to the front porch with a mug of coffee, a book, and a bowl of berries mixed with sprouted mung beans and sprinkled with a pinch of oats. 

I love my front porch because it is a restful place, a place for reflection, a place to pray, to contemplate, to simply be. I always feel restored after sitting a spell on our front porch.


1 comment:

affectioknit said...

What a nice front porch you have...
~Have a lovely day!