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Monday, January 6, 2014

Brutally Cold Yet Stunningly Beautiful

BRRRR = -13 F right now, and wind chills in the double digits. But the sun is shining and the snow looks spectacular. The field looks like a snow ocean with wave after wave of drifted snow. The fir trees are coated with now snow and look so very pretty. But it is soooooooo cold.

About 40,000 people are now without power in the state of Indiana, hopefully the linemen are able to get things repaired quickly. And, please pray that the workers stay safe in this brutal weather as they brave the elements to get the power restored.

Our son-in-law is stranded in Bluffton, Indiana, he had to work last night and his employer paid for Brad to stay in the Holiday Inn. Brad had to get a ride to the Holiday Inn because his car is now plowed in the parking lot of his work, thank you Mr. Snowplow man!  Shortly after Brad checked into the hotel they lost power.  We assume the hotel has some sort of back up generator for heat at least, and Brad can sleep all day in the warm, we hope.  We haven't heard from Brad since early this morning and he was worried his phone would die and he is unable to charge it.  Please pray that Brad stays safe.

Here are some pictures to enjoy from the warmth of your computer :)

1 comment:

Lynda said...

Beautiful photos!

But I'm glad I'm enjoying them from sunny summer Tassie :)
